
Crystal therapy is one of the most ancient healing techniques known to man. For centuries crystals have been used in elixirs, ground up for potions and pills or held by a patient to rid them of a multitude of disorders.


By using a crystals ability to absorb and transmit energy, we can heal the body or mind by balancing the electromagnetic field. Crystals attract or repel certain energies, they resonate at different frequencies and can store or retrieve information. Science has proven that if a crystal is placed in an energy field, it collects that energy and contains it. It might change or transmute the energy, then radiates it back out again.  Crystals can be used to treat people, animals, plants, food, water, they can even help your car run more efficiently.


Using a crystals energy can be very simple. For example, just choosing a crystal and holding it whilst relaxing or meditating can produce wonderful results. Try adding a clear quartz crystal to your pets water bowl and you will notice they will drink more from the bowl and less from the puddles!!

chakras02Crystal healing techniques are often used to clear unwanted energy blockages which cause emotional and physical problems. An effective way of doing this is to use crystals in conjunction with the chakras. The chakras are energy centres in the body. These energy centres can become out of balance, overactive or under active due to stress, trauma or other enviroments/activities, when one chakra becomes disrupted it can effect the others. Each energy centre is linked to emotional and mental states as well as physical functions, so by using crystals with the chakra system it is possible to help ease most problems. As each main chakra is associated with a colour, a simple and effective way of rebalancing the system is to place a crystal of the corresponding colour on each of the chakra points. 

The best way to choose a crystal to work with is by using your intuition. Many shops sell a large variety of gemstones at a reasonable prices. Take a look at the selection, and pick up the ones that appeal to you. Spend some time feeling the shape and texture of the ones you pick up and finally pick the one you like best. There is no right or wrong one to pick, the one you choose will have the properties you need to work with the most at that time.


See the healing properties page for more information on the uses of individual crystals

Please remember that crystal healing is not a substitute for any medical advice and treatment. If you are unwell, please see your GP as soon as you can.

Please see the resources section for books, DVDs and CDs about crystal healing

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