
hahnemannThe German physician, Dr Samuel Hahnemann is credited for the birth of homeopathy. Using the principle of ‘like cures like’, classic homeopathy matches the symptoms that a plant would cause if ingested by a  healthy person, with the symptoms caused by an illness. For example, a common cold might produce watery eyes, a runny nose and a dry cough. The homeopathic treatment for this would be Allium cepa (Latin for red onion) because in a healthy individual, ingesting red onion would produce cold like symptoms.

The interesting and part of homeopathy though, is that it is truly a vibrational medicine. Whilst the symptoms of an illness may be matched to the effects of a plant on the healthy, rarely one molecule of that plant is present in the final homeopathic preparation given to the patient.

In the preparation of a classic homeopathy remedy the plant that is to be used is soaked in alcohol. A drop of this tincture is then added to either 10 or 100 parts of water and shaken vigourously. A drop of this dilution is then taken and added to either 10 or 100 parts of water and again shaken. This process is repeated several times. The end result is that after such a dilution, mostly none of the physical plant is left, however the ‘vibrational signature’ of the plant has been left. In fact it has been found that the more dilute a remedy is, the more effective it works.

bottle_openIt would seem that the vibration of the homeopathic remedy matches the vibration of the illness  (it should be noted that the closer the effects of a plant matches all the symptoms of the illness the more effective it is). The introduction of the symptons at a vibrational level prompt the bodys own immune system to counteract the illness at both a energetic and physical level, and so comes back to health/ balance.

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